
作为田纳西州首屈一指的会计专家, we pride ourselves on picking up where other firms leave off. We offer the same level of national expertise 和 experience as the biggest firms in the country, 但是有了意想不到的易用性. We prioritize service 和 响应ness in a way characteristic of a much smaller firm, 但有深厚的行业知识做后盾. 这是因为LBMC, you don’t have to choose between quality 和 warmth — you get the best of both worlds.

We tailor our 审计 approach to the needs 和 characteristics of each client 和 invest time to become familiar with each client’s business 和 accounting systems.

准备 & 规划: LBMC’s service model begins with detailed planning 和 agreed to timelines to ensure that deadlines 和 expectations are met. LBMC commits to meeting with our clients on a monthly or quarterly basis.
合作: The LBMC tax team partners with you as an extension of your own internal resources, 不仅仅是一个服务团队, but as an advisor to the operation of your enterprise or family.
响应: 作为你们内部资源的延伸, the LBMC tax teams are committed to providing timely 和 accurate solutions 和 are able to pivot quickly to meet the needs of your business or family.


作为田纳西州顶尖的会计师事务所, 我们相信我们查塔努加的会计师拥有这些知识, 资格, 和 expertise to offer the highest level of service available at a superior value. 如果你想找一家有 有经验的响应 熟练的服务团队 税收遵从 税务交易结构,并有处理复杂业务的经验 多语言操作,那么LBMC就是适合你的律所.


We will work closely with you to underst和 your business operations 和 识别 tax issues 和 strategies necessary to meet your business goals. The complexity of income tax laws offers many opportunities for tax savings or tax deferrals. Because it is your right to employ every legitimate means to reduce your tax liability, we focus our 税务服务 on insightful 和 timely tax planning advice.



州和地方的税收需求是持续的,反复发生的事件. 国家税收对企业的影响是复杂的. Managing risk 和 识别ing opportunities within state 和 local tax laws can be overwhelming. This evolving area of the law has created uncertainty on all sides regarding when you are taxable, 多少收入应纳税, 或者什么应该纳税,什么不应该纳税. 从好的方面来看,复杂性创造了机会.



Multinational companies 和 those considering expansion overseas face a growing number of international tax planning 和 compliance challenges. It can be nearly impossible to keep up with all the changing regulatory, 法例及税务规定. 跨国房地产投资企业, 分销和制造, technology 和 many other sectors can turn to our 有经验的 team.



Historically, wealth was largely passed down from generation to generation. 然而, today we see wealth created in many ways 和 an increased need for professional assistance in the management of complex financial affairs for wealthy 个人, 企业高管和家庭.  The LBMC 财富 Advisors team has significant experience in accounting & 税务服务, 遗产及信托事宜, 高管薪酬计划, 投资服务, 慈善问题, 还有保险和退休计划.


学分 & 激励

吸引和留住成长型企业, state 和 local governments provide valuable economic incentives such as grants, 税收抵免, 消减等等. 当你的公司扩张时, 进行资本投资或增加新的就业机会, LBMC in partnership with McGuire Sponsel will guide you through the economic incentives process. 你的公司是否要开一家新店, 搬迁或扩建现有设施, the LBMC/McGuire Sponsel team can drive value from investment 和 growth.



明升体育app下载税务服务包括准备联邦税, 公司的州和地方纳税申报表, 合作伙伴关系, 个人, 私募股权投资机构, 员工福利计划, 遗产及信托. Virtually all tax returns are prepared using what we consider to be the best available technology, allowing for increased accuracy 和 reduced turnaround time.

税收筹划 & 咨询

如果你的业务在增长, 巩固, 搬迁或扩建设施, 合并或收购, there may be significant opportunities for state 和 federal tax savings. LBMC’s 有经验的 specialty tax team can help you uncover, 识别, 有资格, 遵守并实现税收抵免的好处, research 和 development incentives for your business activities.


  • 税务筹划与合规
  • 税收策略
  • 审计辩护和争议解决
  • 高管税收和薪酬策略
  • 合资企业
  • 收购和尽职调查服务
  • M&A结构分析与集成
  • 评估服务
  • 成本隔离

状态 & 当地税务服务

  • 州收入和特许经营税
  • 销售和使用税咨询
  • 税收抵免和激励措施
  • 房产税
  • Nexus评论
  • 州和地方税争议解决
  • 自愿披露协议
  • 合规外包




查塔努加是一个生活、工作和娱乐的好地方. 点击这里了解更多.


查塔努加 is located in East Tennessee, along the Tennessee River bordering Georgia. 查塔努加 blends the “Big City” amenities with the “Small Town” ease of living with friendly residents, moderate housing costs 和 easy commuting with cultural 和 recreation opportunities that rival those in a large metropolitan area. When not in the office LBMC employees soak in some 查塔努加’s impressive nature l和scapes including breathtaking mountain vistas.



The LBMC 查塔努加 office is located in the Liberty Tower Building located in downtown 查塔努加. 命名为“最佳居住地,” 查塔努加 is now a top destination for businesses 和 families. 查塔努加强大的基础设施, workforce 和 quality of life has attracted a wide range of businesses in mobile entrepreneurs, 配送和运输公司, 高端办公业务, 食品加工制造.

For more information on working 和 living in 查塔努加, visit the 查塔努加商会 网站和查看明升体育app下载 LBMC职业.


Our 查塔努加 team works in a variety of industries including manufacturing 和 distributions, 建设, 房地产, 非营利性, 和医疗, 仅举几个例子. 我们有注册会计师和其他税务专业人员, 审计, 企业估值, 诉讼支持, 医疗保健咨询和遵从性, 风险服务, 人力资源, 招聘和更多. 我们可以在这个办公室支持所有的LBMC服务. 如果您正在寻找查塔努加注册会计师,请参阅 明升体育app下载服务清单 如需更多资料,请浏览 明升体育app下载.


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电话: 423-756-6585

办公时间: 8 a.m. –5 p.m. 美国东部时间,Monday-Friday
